Born in Echuca on Yorta-Yorta Counrty, Victoria, Australia in 1987.

Lives and works on Ngunnawal and Ngambri Country, Kambri, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory.



2009   Bachelor of Visual Arts (Painting) with First Class HONOURS

at the Australian National University – School of Art. Canberra, ACT. Australia.



2024 Fislist of the Ravenswood Australian Women’s Art Prize. Sydney, NSW

2022   Winner of the Goulburn Art Award, Goulburn Regional Gallery. Goulburn, NSW.

2022  Finalist Bayside Acquisitive Art Prize. Bayside Gallery. Brighton, VIC.

2021   Finalist for the Arthur Guy Memorial Painting Prize. Bendigo Art Gallery, VIC.

2021  Finalist for the Hazelhurst Art on Paper Award. Hazelhurst Art Centre, NSW

2021   Recipient of the ArtsACT Arts Activity Funding, 2021/2022. Canberra, ACT.

2019   Recipient of the Fremantle Art Centre Residency Program. Fremantle, WA.

2018   Recipient of Macquarie Telecom C.A.P.O. Award, ACT.

2017   Recipient of the Bundanon Residency. Shoalhaven, NSW.

2016   Recipient of the Canberra Critics’ Circle Award.Canberra, ACT.

2016   Shortlisted for the Readlands Art Award. Cleveland, QLD.

2016   Shortlisted for the Inner-North Art Prize. Canberra, ACT.

2016 Albany Artist Art Prize. Albany, WA.

2015   Nominee for the Redlands Emerging Artist Art Prize. Sydney, NSW.

2016   Shortlisted for the Fremantle Art Centre Print Award. Fremantle, WA.

2014   Arts ACT traveling exhibitions Grant recipient. ACT.

2014   Finalist with Highly Commended for the Brett Whiteley Traveling Scholarship Sydney, NSW.

2014   PRINT residency, Megalo print studio & gallery. Canberra, ACT.

2013   Recipient of the Reading Room C.A.P.O. Award. London UK.

2012   Finalist for the Brett Whitley Traveling Scholarship Finalist. Sydney, NSW.

2012   Nominee for the Qantas Foundation of Encouragement of Australian Contemporary Art Award. Sydney, NSW.

2012   Finalist for the M16 Drawing Prize, M16 Artspace Gallery. Canberra, ACT.

2011   Recipient of the ArtsACT Start-Up Grant. Canberra, ACT.

2011   Shortlisted for The Hobart City Council Art Prize. TAS.

2011   Recipient of the PRINT PRESS residency, Megalo print studio & gallery. Canberra, ACT.

2010   Recipient of the Spanish Embassy Torres Scholarship for Young Australian Artists, 8th Edition. ACT.

2009   Recipient of the Emerging Artist Support Scheme-M16 Solo Show. Canberra, ACT.

2009   Recipient of the Emerging Artist Support Scheme-Canberra Contemporary Art Space Residency. ACT.

2009   Recipient of the Honours Painting Studio Endowment Scholarship, Australian National University. Canberra, ACT. 



2022   ZOOPER DOOPER New Paintings by EMMA BEER, The Drill Hall Gallery, ANU. Canberra, ACT

2019   FRIDAY ON MY WALL, Photospace Gallery, Australian National University. Canberra. ACT.

2018 #nofearsemmabeers Tributary Projects. Canberra, ACT

2018 #nofearsemmabeers Gaffa. Sydney, NSW

2017   WHAT IS IT YOU CAN’T FACE, FIVEWALLS Gallery. Melbourne, VIC.

2017   WHAT IS IT YOU CAN’T FACE, Pope Street Gallery. Canberra, ACT.

2016   It’s all about Eve. Australian National Capital Artist Gallery. Canberra, ACT.

2014   Princess of the Riverina: LONDON. Reading Room Gallery. Soho, London, UK.

2014   Princess of the Riverina SEVENTH gallery. Melbourne, VIC.

2013   Lashings of Ginger Beer PHOTOSPACE GALLERY ANU with Jas Hugonnet Gallery, Canberra, ACT.

2012   SHE LIKES YELLOW Jas Hugonnet Gallery. Canberra, ACT.

2011   SHORT-FAST-LOUD Jas Hugonnet Gallery. Canberra, ACT.

2011   RUBIA! RUBIA!, PHOTOSPACE GALLERY Australian National University. Canberra, ACT.

2011   THE INFORMALITIES OF SHIT MIRACLE Canberra Contemporary Art Space, Manuka. Canberra, ACT.



2023   BODIES WITHOUT ORGANS –curated by Anja Longhhead, Canberra Contemporary Art Space. Canberra, ACT.

2022 Bright -Curated by Yvettee Dal Pozzo, Goulburn Regional Gallery. Goulburn, NSW.

2021   HOMEBOUND –curated by David Broker, Canberra Contemporary Art Space. Canberra, ACT.

2020   THE MASS: LENDON + BEER -curated by Virginia Rigney Canberra Museum and Gallery. Canberra, ACT.

2019   UNFINISHED BUSINESS –curated by Alexander Boynes, Canberra Contemporary Art Space. Canberra, ACT.

2018   Painting amongst other things: a survey of Painting in the expanded field. Australian National University, SOAD Gallery. Canberra. ACT

2018 Contour 556, Public Art Biennial. Canberra, ACT.

2018 Abstraction Twenty Eighteen. FIVEWALLS Gallery. Melbourne, VIC.

2018 LENDON + BEER Sydney Non Objective. Sydney, NSW.

2017   Emerging from Canberra, Watters Gallery. Sydney, NSW.

2017   Off the Grid, MAYSPACE Gallery. Sydney, NSW.

2017   OBJECT + PAINT, Annandale Galleries. Sydney, NSW.

2016   OBNOXIOUS LADIES –curated by Sabrina Baker, Canberra Contemporary Art Space. Canberra, ACT.

2015   Residence Show Megalo print studio & gallery. Canberra, ACT.

2015   Going Steady -curated by Annika Harding Australian National Capital Artist Gallery. Canberra, ACT.

2014   HUE -curated by Jessica Ausserlechner Nishi Gallery - NewActon. Canberra, ACT.

2013   The Country Show Bega Regional Art Gallery. Bega, NSW.

2012   The Spanish Embassy Torres Scholarship Anniversary Exhibition ANU, Foyer Gallery. Canberra, ACT.

2012   Word of Mouth -curated by Mark Bayly Canberra Museum and Gallery. Canberra, ACT.

2012   M16 Drawing Prize Finalists M16 Artspace Gallery. Canberra, ACT.

2011   PRINT PRESS Megalo print studio & gallery. Canberra, ACT.

2011   Wonder Shaper Sawtooth ARI, Launceston, TAS.

2011   The Kids Are Alright -curated by Fernando do Campo The Paper Mill Gallery. Sydney, NSW.

2011   The Hobart City Council Art Prize Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery. Hobart, TAS.

2011   THINGS WE DENOTE TO KEEP -curated by Fernando do Campo Sawtooth ARI. Launceston, TAS.

2011   BLAZE five, Residence Show, Canberra Contemporary Art Space. Canberra, ACT.

2010   THIS WAY Up: abstraction survey Australian National University, SOA Gallery. Canberra, ACT.

2010   BEER ‘n’ BLISS, M16 Artspace Gallery. Canberra, ACT.



Art Bank, Sydney, NSW.

Goulburn Regional Gallery, Goulburn, NSW.

Macquarie Group Collection, Sydney, NSW.

Canberra Museum and Gallery, Canberra, ACT.

The Australian National University, Drill Hall Gallery, Canberra, ACT.

The Embassy of Spain, Canberra, ACT. 

Private collections throughout Australia, Singapore, France, Scotland, England, and Spain.


• Senior Technical Officer, Australian National University, The School of Art and Design 2008 - PRESENT

• Studio Resident Australian National Capital Artist 2013 - 2014 and 2020 - PRESENT

• Collaborative Partnership with Nigel Lendon 2015 - 2021

• Australian National Capital Artists Board member 2013 - 2014

• Exhibitions and Installations, National Gallery of Australia 2013 - 2015

• Exhibitions and Installations, Canberra Museum and Gallery 2012 - 2014

• Studio assistant for various artists, including Nigel Lendon, Vivienne Binns, Jude Rae, Richard Larter, Marie Hagerty, Ruth Waller, Peter Maloney, Robert Boynes, Liz Coats, Savandary Vongpoothorn.