Emma Beer is originally from Echuca where the paddle steamers roll up the Mighty Murray. The title of Emma’s new exhibition is an oblique reference to to her early years in this bucolic country town in the Riverina where time appears to have stood still. Love an artist who acknowledges her roots but the ref ends with the title because Emma never stands still. Leaping from one triumphant exhibition to another she is the first artist to show at the brand new Leta Gallery + Project Space in Mitchell. This is a great space run by father and daughter team Ilias and Melody. Just the right size and with a large outdoor area for drinks and socialising we look forward to many memorable openings at the Leta. Last nights opening was a good old fashioned Canberra get together with the friendly crowd Emma invariably attracts. Lots of scintillating conversation and these mouth wateringly desirable paintings generated much frivolous talk of slipping (at least) one into the handbag. The transparency of Emma’s paint brush, her use of illogical forms that flirt with the third dimension, and colour schemes that defy the discriminating palate make for mind bogglingly exciting work. Phew …. But the paintings are not for sale yet because being the recipient of last years CAPO Reading Room Exhibition Award Emma will be taking them to London ! With titles like bushwalking on speed and bum fuck nowhere. is good I say look out London. Emma might well be a Princess of the Riverina but she is surely the Queen of Abstraction.

Princess of the Riverina at Leta Gallery + Project Space 2/23 Buckland Street Mitchell by appointment 6176 1072

Openings are held on the last Wednesday of every month. Next opening 25 June (details soon!).


APRIL 2014