Installation view Bright featuring Vivienne Binns, Particle thought, (detail), 2009, Emma Beer, #communication (detail), 2022, Gemma Smith, Thrown open, 2022, and Gemma Smith, Collage painting, 2022, Courtesy of the artist and Sarah Cottier Gallery.
 Installation view Bright featuring Emma Beer, #bossyapp, 2018, Gemma Smith, Thrown open, 2022, Gemma Smith, Collage painting, 2022, Gemma Smith, Haptic bounty, 2022 Courtesy of the artist and Sarah Cottier Gallery, and Emma Beer #communication, 2022
 Installation view Bright featuring Vivienne Binns, Particle thought, (detail), 2009, Emma Beer, #bossyapp, 2018, Emma Beer, #communication (detail), 2022, Gemma Smith, Thrown open, 2022, Gemma Smith, Collage painting, 2022, and Gemma Smith, Haptic b
 Installation view Bright featuring  Lara Merrett, Slow runs (Nature Banners), 2021, Courtesy of the artist and Sullivan + Strumpf, Emma Beer, #communication, 2022; featuring Vivienne Binns, Particle thought, (detail), 2009; Emma Beer, #bossyapp, 201
 Installation view Bright featuring Esther Stewart, Painted ladies (Living room), 2022 and Esther Stewart, Painted ladies (Bathroom), 2022, courtesy of the artist and Sarah Cottier Gallery, Emma Beer, #communication, 2022 and Lara Merrett, Towards th
 Installation view Bright featuring Emma Beer, #communication (detail), 2022. Photograph:  Silversalt Photography.
 Installation view Bright featuring Emma Beer, #communication (detail), 2022. Photograph:  Silversalt Photography.
 Installation view Bright featuring Emma Beer, #communication (detail), 2022. Photograph:  Silversalt Photography.
 Installation view Bright featuring Emma Beer, #communication (detail), 2022. Photograph:  Silversalt Photography.
 Installation view Bright featuring Gemma Smith Thrown open, 2022 and Emma Beer, #communication (detail), 2022. Photograph:  Silversalt Photography.
 Installation view Bright featuring Emma Beer, #communication, 2022 and Yvette Coppersmith, Untitled Movement (Magenta), 2022, The Barwon Collection, Courtesy of the artist and Sullivan + Strumpf. Photograph:  Silversalt Photography.
 Installation view Bright featuring Emma Beer, #bossyapp, 2018, Gemma Smith, Thrown open, 2022, Gemma Smith, Collage painting, 2022, and Gemma Smith, Haptic bounty, 2022, Courtesy of the artist and Sarah Cottier Gallery. Photograph:  Silversalt Photo
 Installation view Bright featuring Emma Beer, #bossyapp, 2018. (detail) Photograph:  Silversalt Photography.
 Installation view Bright featuring Emma Beer, #bossyapp, 2018. Photograph:  Silversalt Photography.
 Installation view Bright featuring Emma Beer, #communication (detail), 2022, Vivienne Binns, Particle thought, (detail), 2009, and Emma Beer, #bossyapp, 2022. Photograph:  Silversalt Photography.
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