Emma Beer  everlasting,  2020. acrylic on cotton canvas 120 x 100 cm
 Emma Beer  getting to know thy self at the kitchen table, or not , 2020. gouache on paper. 35 x 25 cm
 Emma Beer  getting to know thy self at the kitchen table, or not  2020 watercolour on paper collage. 25 x 25 cm
 Emma Beer  getting to know thy self at the kitchen table, or not  2020. gouache on paper, installation at Canberra Contemporary Artspace.
 Emma Beer  getting to know thy self at the kitchen table, or not  2020. gouache on paper, installation at Canberra Contemporary Artspace.
 Emma Beer  getting to know thy self at the kitchen table, or not  2020. gouache on paper, installation at Canberra Contemporary Artspace.
 Emma Beer  getting to know thy self at the kitchen table, or not  2020. gouache on paper, 35 x 25cm
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