EMMA BEER  harnessing a vertical source,  2016. acrylic on canvas. 120 x 100cm •
 EMMA BEER  this whole other part of the brain,  2016. acrylic on linen. 60 x 50cm •
 EMMA BEER  eve-eve-eve,  2016. acrylic and oil on canvas. 70 x 65cm •
 EMMA BEER  full moon, oranges and tea,  2016. acrylic and oil on canvas. 60 x 50cm •
 EMMA BEER  such, sweet nothing,  2016. acrylic on canvas. 90 x 75cm  •     
 EMMA BEER  there’s something in the water,  2016. acrylic on canvas. 100 x 80cm •
 EMMA BEER  home’s gone,  2016. acrylic on canvas. 120 x 100cm •
 EMMA BEER  comfortability,  2016. acrylic on canvas. 120 x 100cm
 EMMA BEER  fasten your seat belts, its going to be a bumpy night,  2016. acrylic on canvas. 90 x 75cm •
 EMMA BEER  think! i dare you, just once,  2016. acrylic on canvas. 70 x 60cm
 EMMA BEER  you want beautiful? I’ll give you beauty,  2016. acrylic on canvas. 70 x 60cm •
 EMMA BEER  when selfishness is so wittily dissected,  2016. acrylic and oil on linen. 70 x 60cm 
 EMMA BEER blue mirror, 2016. acrylic on canvas. 70 x 60cm •
 EMMA BEER  unembellished contentment,  2016. acrylic on canvas. 60 x 50cm •
 EMMA BEER  literalism,  2016. acrylic on canvas. 60 x 50cm
 EMMA BEER  it was like the body was in a dream,  2016. acrylic on canvas. 60 x 50cm •
 EMMA BEER  get your fucking face out of that screen,  2016. acrylic and oil on canvas. 50 x 40cm •
 EMMA BEER  nothing is nothing - everything is something,  2016. acrylic on canvas. 50 x 40cm •
 EMMA BEER  voids, infinity, oblivion,  2015. acrylic on canvas. 60 x 50cm  • 
 EMMA BEER  I can honestly say I love the both of you,  2015. acrylic and oil on canvas. 55 x 48cm •
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